About Me
I'm Frank Domina. Welcome to my web site. If you're on this page, I suppose it means you are curious about who I am.
I'm 44, married for a couple of years (as of when I wrote this) to my wonderful wife, Cheryl, and we're expecting our first child in January 2007.
We live in Atlanta, but I was born in Chicago (1962) and lived in the Chicago area until 1995 when I moved to Atlanta for a great job opportunity at Scientific-Atlanta (which is now a Cisco company). I grew up in Oak Lawn, a southern suburb of Chicago, went to Lawn Manor Elementary School, Harold L. Richards high school, and briefly to Moraine Valley Community College before attending Southern Illinois University at Carbondale where I studied electronics. Eventually, while working at Zenith (my first post-SIU job), I found I enjoyed computers even more than electronics, so I went back to college while still working for Zenith and got my Bachelors degree in Computer Information Science at Roosevelt University, a relatively small private school in Chicago.
I'm from a family of 4 kids, but both of my parents are from larger families -- my father 1 of 8 and my mother 1 of 13. (No, that is not a typo. Thirteen. Really. And no, I can't name even half of my cousins.) My dad grew up in Chicago, but my mom's childhood was much different. She grew up on a farm in central Illinois. Both experienced the Great Depression as children, but I think it affected my mom on the farm more than it did my dad in the city. She has a ton of stories about her childhood on the farm. My parents met each other while in the Army during WW2 -- she was a nurse, he an MP -- but neither left the U.S. They were stationed at POW camps where German prisoners were held. I never even realized that we brought prisoners back to this country! People in the communities right outside the bases didn't even realized their "next-door-neighbors" (held on the base) were German prisoners of war! Maybe some day I'll post some of my mom's stories on this site.
Hmmm...Let's see...What else?
Though I grew up Catholic, I, as many other Catholics have done, fell away from organized religion, but after moving to Atlanta I found a wonderful United Methodist church that I became a member of -- Peachtree Road United Methodist Church. I found many wonderful people there that I'm now proud to call my friends. More importantly, I found a part of me that had been missing -- a sense of spirituality. I wouldn't say I'm super spiritual, but there is a spiritual side to me that I hope I never lose again and that it will continue to grow. Since I got married and moved, we have stopped going to Peachtree Road and have been bouncing between a couple of churches closer to our house...hopefully deciding on one soon, by the time the baby is born, anyway!
When swing dancing was in (back around
1999-2000, not in the 40's ) , that was by far my favorite pastime. It was great exercise and it was a nice way to meet people while
having fun. Unlike typical bar scenes, the swing dancing crowd was not a "meat market". Asking someone to dance was just that -- a
dance. It was great. Sadly that faded away, but I've just recently
(summer '06) found a small resurgence of it, so I've been trying to go once/week
as time permits.
My other "main" hobby was ham radio for a long time, but since I've been married, I've not really found time for it (though still get on the air now and then). That will probably come back into the picture after I've been married a while (too many other things to do right now). My last remaining hobby is doing web & computer related stuff, including digital photography, and shooting videos and editing them on my computer...and of course things to our house and the "honey do" list.
I also like hiking (not "seriously" -- just day hikes...so far). It is a favorite activity of my wife and I, though since my accident, I've not been able to hike nearly as far nor as often as I could before my injuries. I also used to love snow-skiing in the winter (not a favorite of the wife), but I haven't tried it since the accident...but maybe soon. We both love traveling when weI get the chance (my favorite spot so far was Italy, which was before I met Cheryl, so I'll have to go back some time with her.)). I also like doing projects around the house....well, most of them, anyway.
Now that I think about it, we need to get our butts out (or at least me, if Cheryl doesn't want to do this...) and shoot some pool (poorly) and maybe occasionally go bowling (not as poorly). In general, I'd much rather be doing something other than watching TV, though there are certainly times I need to just "veg out", more so in the winter I suppose. I do love "24", "Stargate SG1", "Stargate Atlantis" and "Battlestar Gallactica" (and used to love "X-Files"), but you won't catch me ever staying home just so I get to see a favorite show....that's what DVRs are for!
So was that enough about me? Too much?
I'm just trying to give you little hint of who I am, not a complete autobiography. If you browse around through the
photos on my web site, you ought to get some sense of who I am since much of
my life since 1997 is chronicled in pictures...though admittedly, since I've
been married, I've barely had much time to devote to keeping this site
up-to-date, but I'll try.
If you have comments or questions, e-mail me at ![]() |
This page was last updated Friday, 29-May-2020 16:11:57 MDT.
This page has been visited
times since 1/1/2003. (You may not care, but I do!)